Thursday 31 July 2008

Google maps - going by foot

Got an invite to a dance performance on Saturday - Silvia is a dancer from Sardinia. Being sat behind my laptop (as ever) I thought I'd have a look where we needed to get to - pulled up Google Maps. I was very happy to see that they now have a "walking" option when you specify an origin and destination. Then I saw this disclaimer.

Walking directions are in beta.
Use caution when walking in unfamiliar areas.

This really does bring home to me more than just how dependent people are on cars (I've always found it odd that this was never an option before). The thing I find sad though is the thought that not using anything other than a car to get anywhere is some kind of exotic, dangerous act. I should state that I'm making this statement from the perspective of a someone who's lived in Berlin for three months now and who has also spent the last three years living in London - keeping a car in either city is expensive and pretty unnecessary. I would love it if Google would integrate its map functionality with local transport companies and cycle routes.