Tuesday 27 October 2009


Looking back at the previous posting there - glad I wrote it down.

It's all a bit in flux with me internally at present. Unsettled. I'm back in London now and after an initial buzz of being back in the bosom of familiarity, I think I've become somewhat lazy.

I think this is the biggest challenge I face right now - laziness. I could have all the opportunity in the world presented to me - the job of my dreams, a great place to live, friends, money, emotional security, but without the internal motivation to build upon this then it all means nothing. I was thinking about this today. Living with Tom has really brought this home. He seems to me like someone who sees things through. When there's something to be done, he does it. In my case, when the effort becomes too much, too uncomfortable I take the easy option and relax, even when there are still things to be done.