Wednesday 7 May 2008

Back to school

Today will be day 3 of my German language course. Somehow or other I've dropped into level B1 at the Tandem language school. I completed an online assessment and they got back to me pretty quickly giving me their opinion on where they though I should start. I must say that at the time I was rather chuffed, especially given the fact that I still have a very limited vocabulary. Then again, I have enough French language knowledge to be aware that absorbing the principles of a language is different from having a fully-kitted toolbox as it were.

I went straight into relative pronouns and how they change depending on the prepositions connected to the nouns within the relative sentence and to what the noun refers to in the main sentence(?!). I guess it all sounds a bit scary when it's defined like this. A practical example in English would be as follows:

That is my teacher, with whom I am learning German.
I love the Cameo cinema in Edinburgh, within which there are some comfy red seats.

I have plenty more to be getting my teeth into, but for now I'm feeling happy swimming in the deep end.

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