Thursday 8 May 2008


Woke up this morning feeling slightly guilty about having now been wilfully out of work for over three months. Granted, over two of these months were spent preparing for the move to Berlin and trecking around Patagonia, but I still can't help feeling that I'm having an easy ride here and one which for some reason I don't deserve.

Thing is, I spent a long time saving the money to travel and to move to spottbillig Berlin. I get the feeling that there's more to the discomfort than this. Perhaps the teutonic work ethic is rubbing off as me in the same way that the language is. Or perhaps I have some need to feel that unless I'm stressed to death that I'm not living a "proper" life (whatever that may mean!). In any case, I know I need to get this sorted but I guess it'll take longer than three months to get the insanity of London out of my veins. And spending the best part of seven hours a day learning German isn't exactly kicking back on the Spree with a few jugs of Hefeweiß.

For what it's worth, I am actively looking for work as a ColdFusion web developer :-)


Cursed Tea said...

Dave sounds like you HAVE fulltime job right now .... and it involves getting your tongue around German relative pronouns and the wicked things they do to nouns!!!
Don't be so hard on yourself - you've just moved countries!!!!

niceguydave said...

I take that as a cautionary tale from a Scot in the U S and A ;-)

Yeah, I guess I do have a full time job with the lingo but the protestant work ethic is seemingly even here in laid back Berlin. Even the beggars seem to have daily targets!